In any business with money coming in and going out, you’ll need to have some way of keeping track of your money. When you receive money or someone takes money from you, it is called a transaction, and each transaction...
My biggest question while learning about the cloud was, is it SAFE? I could just picture all my personal information floating around in cyber space, ready for anyone to reach out and snatch it. How could it be safer and more...
If you’ve been on the internet at all over the last few years, I’m sure you’ve heard the term “on the cloud” a time or twelve. And, if you’re like me, you didn’t really know what the buzz was all...
Everything that a business owns in order to successfully do business. For example: cash, land, tools, buildings, furniture, and vehicles. Anything that is owned by the company and is regarded as having value. An asset could be sold to pay...