My biggest question while learning about the cloud was, is it SAFE? I could just picture all my personal information floating around in cyber space, ready for anyone to reach out and snatch it. How could it be safer and more secure than my paper file folder? More reliable than a notebook and a nicely sharpened pencil? Can you trust this mythical-seeming, invisible thing called the “cloud”? (And if you missed the post where I explained what this cloud-thing is, you can read it here: Cloud Based Accounting (and Bookkeeping) )
In a word – Yes!
It is safer to store your data in the cloud. Cloud companies spend millions of dollars and hire super smart people to keep your data safe. Your computer, on the other hand, could be stolen, get a virus, crash, or be eaten by a dog.
But what if the internet goes down?
Then you’re stuck – for a little while. The internet will be back up in a few hours, in the mean time, your data is still safe on the cloud and you can have an excuse to get a nice latte and go on a walk around the park. Your data will be there when the internet is back.
Cloud computing is more than just the internet.
You use the internet to get to it, but the companies themselves (like Apple, Google, Dropbox, or Xero) provide products in the cloud. Your data isn’t just floating through cyberspace. The trustworthy companies store your data securely in a massive database with guards and locks and the whole shebang.
The cloud is cheap
Using the cloud is also cheaper than using software on your computer, because you don’t have to make endless upgrades. You also don’t have to spend time backing everything up. Many cloud options are even free up to a certain amount of data.
Banks use the cloud
Banks have been using the cloud for internet banking for 15 years, and it’s only getting bigger! Isn’t it handy to pay bills, look up transactions, or deposit a check with your phone through online banking? Xero has even tighter security than online banks, so your data is definitely safe.
Are you worried you might lose control of your data?
Maybe. Do your research when you decide what companies to trust to store and manage your data. There are people out there trying to steal your information, and you want to watch out for them. But there are legitimate companies that have your best interests in mind, and who will encript your data and take extra steps to keep it secure. With Xero, you won’t lose control of your data because you can set the controls for everyone who can see it – and revoke them whenever you want. You can add things and edit from anywhere, giving you more control about what is on there.
And, the best thing of all, is you don’t have to be a techy person to use the cloud.
I still don’t fully understand it, but I can log in and use it! I don’t have to install things, update versions, or do upgrades. Just sign in and it’s all there. I’m thankful for smarter people than me who come up with this stuff!
The cloud takes the stress out of managing your business. You can use it to share the employee list with all your supervisors, use it to order supplies when you think of them at 2am, and update the same document on your office computer, phone, and tablet.
And you can use it to do your business bookkeeping easily and without the pounding headache that usually follows hours of balancing your books.
Are you still wary of the cloud, or are you ready to jump in? How do you use the cloud already in your day-to-day life?
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